Tag Archives: heatseeker

Heat Seeker presentation at Demo Day, Media Lab Helsinki 05/2007

On 16/5/2007, I made my first presentation at a Media Lab Helsinki Demo Day. The topic of my presentation was the recently released project Heat Seeker, and the tour of the project.

After that presentation, I have been presenting my next projects at Media Lab Demo Days, in 5/2009, 5/2010 and 12/2010. In the next presentations, I didn’t prepare specific presentation materials, focusing instead in the web versions of the projects.


Photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/nunocorreia/sets/72157604647369337/

Presentation: http://www.nunocorreia.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Nuno_Correia-DemoDay_05_2007b.swf