- Correia, N.N. (2013). Interactive Audiovisual Objects. Doctoral thesis. Helsinki: Aalto ARTS Books. (open access)
- Godinho, M. M., Correia, N. N., & Pinto, M. C. (2005). Estudo Sobre a Utilização da Propriedade Industrial nos Sectores dos Plásticos e dos Moldes. Lisbon: Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial.
Book chapters:
- Correia, N. N., & Tanaka, A. (2022). AVUIs: Audio-Visual User Interfaces: Working With Users to Create Performance Technologies. In S. Gibson, S. Arisona, D. Leishman, & A. Tanaka (Eds.), Live Visuals: History, Theory, Practice. Routledge.
- Correia, N.N. (2012). Master and Margarita, from Novel to Interactive Audiovisual Project. In L. Eilittä (ed.) Intermedial Arts. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 127–146. (book)
- Correia, N.N, Masu, R. & Cabral, D. eds. (2021). Audio-Visuals and Interaction Design. Special Issue of EAI Endorsed Transactions on Creative Technologies, 8(27). (open access)
- Correia, N.N & Masu, R. eds. (2020). Sound, Image and Interaction Design. Special Issue of EAI Endorsed Transactions on Creative Technologies, 7(23). (open access)
- Acuña, B. & Correia, N.N. eds. (2008). Digital Tools – A New Way to Interact with the World. In Working Papers F35. Helsinki: University of Art and Design Helsinki. (open access)
Journal articles:
- Masu, R., Bettega, M., Correia, N. N., & Romão, T. (2023). Investigating performance ecologies using screen scores: A case study. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing.
- Correia, N. N. (2021). Co-Organising Hackathons with Students: Opportunities and Best Practices, Compass: Journal of Learning and Teaching, 14(2).
- Correia, N.N. & Tanaka, A. (2021). From GUI to AVUI: Situating Audiovisual User Interfaces Within Human-Computer Interaction and Related Fields. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Creative Technologies, 8(27).
- Sen, S., Correia, N.N. & Tahiroğlu, K. (2021). Design Strategies for a Hybrid Video Synthesizer. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Creative Technologies, 8(27).
- Masu, R., & Correia, N. N. (2020). Pathways to Live Visuals in Dance Performances: A Quantitative Audience Study. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Creative Technologies, 7(23). (open access)
- Correia, N. N., & Masu, R. (2020). Affordances and Constraints in Interactive Audio / Visual Systems. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Creative Technologies, 7(23). (open access)
- Correia, N.N. (2016). Paths to Engagement Combining Sound, Animation and Interactivity: A Comparative Evaluation of Three Net Art Projects. International Journal of Arts and Technology, 9(2), pp.126–144.
Open access manuscript version available at: - Correia, N.N. (2013). AVVX – A Vector Graphics Tool for Audiovisual Performances. Leonardo Electronic Almanac, 18(3), pp.124–137. (open access) - Correia, N.N. (2012). AVOL: Towards an Integrated Audio-Visual Expression. Journal of Visual Art Practice, 10(3), pp.201–214.
Conference papers (peer-reviewed):
- Correia, N. N., & Primett, W. (2024). Best Practices for Technology-Mediated Audience Interaction in Dance Performances. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Movement and Computing, 1–6.
- Correia, N. N., Souza, D., Nêves, I., & Lobato, J. (2023). Bio Elektron—A Multisensory Approach to Augmenting Dance, Combining: Biosignals, Drawing, Sound and Electrical Feedback. Proc. ISEA 2023, 335–345.
- Correia, N. N., Masu, R., Primett, W., Jürgens, S., Feitsch, J., and Plácido da Silva, H. (2022). Designing Interactive Visuals for Dance from Body Maps: Machine Learning and Composite Animation Approaches. Designing Interactive Systems Conference, 204–216.
(DIS 2022 Best Paper Award; Tallinn University Best article in exact sciences 2022 Award) - Correia, N. N., Jürgens, S., Masu, R., Feitsch, J. and Druzetic, I. (2021). Performative Virtual Scenes: A Dynamic VR Environment Design Approach, In Baalsrud Hauge, J., C. S. Cardoso, J., Roque, L., and Gonzalez-Calero, P. A. (eds.), Entertainment Computing – ICEC 2021, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Cham, Springer International Publishing, pp. 100–114.
- Masu, R., Pajala-Assefa, H., Correia, N. N. and Romão, T. (2021). Full-Body Interaction in a Remote Context: Adapting a Dance Piece to a Browser-Based Installation, In 10th International Conference on Digital and Interactive Arts, ARTECH 2021, New York, NY, USA, Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 1–4.
- Masu, R., Correia, N. N. and Romão, T. (2021). Technology-Mediated Musical Connections: The Ecology of a Screen-Score Performance, In Audio Mostly 2021, AM ’21, New York, NY, USA, Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 109–116.
- Masu, R., Correia, N. N. and Romao, T. (2021). NIME Scores: a Systematic Review of How Scores Have Shaped Performance Ecologies in NIME, In International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. Available at:
- Correia, N. N., Masu, R., Pham, A. H. D., & Feitsch, J. (2021). Connected Layers: Evaluating Visualizations of Embodiment in Contemporary Dance Performances. Fifteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction, 1–12.
- Jürgens, S., Correia, N. N., & Masu, R. (2021). The Body Beyond Movement: (Missed) Opportunities to Engage with Contemporary Dance in HCI. Fifteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction, 1–9.
- Masu, R., Correia, N. N., Jurgens, S., Feitsch, J., & Romão, T. (2020). Designing interactive sonic artefacts for dance performance: An ecological approach. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Audio Mostly, 122–129.
Open access version available at: - Sen, S., & Correia, N. N. (2020). Design strategies for a hybrid video synthesizer. Proceedings of Sound, Image and Interaction Design Symposium 2020. SIIDS 2020, Funchal, Portugal. (open access)
- Masu, R. G. M., Bala, P., Ahmad, M., Correia, N. N., Nisi, V., Nunes, N., & Romão, T. (2020). VR Open Scores: Scores as Inspiration for VR Scenarios. Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression NIME 2020. Birmingham City University. (open access)
- Jurgens, S., Correia, N. N. & Masu, R. (2020). Designing Glitch Procedures and Visualisation Workflows for Markerless Live Motion Capture of Contemporary Dance. Proc. 7th International Conference on Movement and Computing MOCO ’20. ACM, Jersey City.
Open access version available at: - Masu, R., Correia, N. N., Jurgens, S., Druzetic, I., & Primett, W. (2019). How do Dancers Want to Use Interactive Technology? Appropriation and Layers of Meaning Beyond Traditional Movement Mapping. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Digital and Interactive Arts. ACM, Braga.
Open access version available at: - Masu, R., Bettega, M., Correia, N. N., Romão, T., & Morreale, F. (2019). ARCAA: A Framework to Analyse the Artefact Ecology in Computer Music Performance. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Digital and Interactive Arts. ACM, Braga.
Open access version available at: - Masu, R. & Correia, N. N. (2018). Penguin: Design of a Screen Score Interactive System, in: Proceedings of ICLI International Conference on Live Interfaces 2018. Porto.
- Masu, R., Correia, N. N., & Morreale, F. (2018). Toward the Adoption of Design Concepts in Scoring for Digital Musical Instruments: a Case Study on Affordances and Constraints. In Proc. International Conference on New Music Concepts ICNMC 2018. Treviso.
- Correia, N. N., Castro, D., & Tanaka, A. (2017). The Role of Live Visuals in Audience Understanding of Electronic Music Performances. In: Proc. Audio Mostly 2017. London: ACM Press access manuscript version available at: - Correia, N.N. & Tanaka, A. (2017). AVUI: Designing a Toolkit for Audiovisual Interfaces. In Proc. CHI’17. Denver, Colorado.
Open access manuscript version available at: - Metatla, O., Correia, N.N., Bryan-Kinns, N., Stockman, T., and Martin, F. (2016). Tap the ShapeTones: Exploring the Effects of Crossmodal Congruence in an Audio-Visual Interface, in: Proc. CHI ’16. San Jose, California.
Open access manuscript version available at: - Correia, N.N. (2016). AV Zones – Tablet App for Audiovisual Performance, in: Proceedings of ICLI International Conference on Live Interfaces 2016. Brighton. (open access) - Correia, N.N. & Tanaka, A. (2015). Prototyping Audiovisual Performance Tools: A Hackathon Approach, in: Proc. NIME 2015. Baton Rouge, Louisiana. (open access) - Correia, N.N. & Tanaka, A. (2014). User-Centered Design of a Tool for Interactive Computer-Generated Audiovisuals. In Proceedings of ICLI International Conference on Live Interfaces 2014. Lisbon. (open access) - Correia, N.N. & Kleimola, J. (2014). Web Browser as Platform for Audiovisual Performances. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology (ACE). Funchal: ACM Press.
Open access manuscript version available at: - Tahiroğlu, K., Correia, N.N. & Espada, M. (2013). PESI Extended System: In Space, On Body, with 3 Musicians. In Proceedings of New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME). Daejeon, Seoul. (open access) - Correia, N.N., Tahiroğlu, K. & Espada, M. (2013). PESI: Extending Mobile Music Instruments with Social Interaction. In Seventh International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction (TEI), Work in Progress. Barcelona.
- (open access)Correia, N.N. (2012). Paths in Interactive Sound Visualization: From AVOL to AV Clash. In Proceedings of Sound and Music Computing Conference 2012. Copenhagen, pp. 326–332. (open access) - Correia, N.N. (2011). AV Clash, Online Audiovisual Project: a Case Study of Evaluation in New Media Art. In Proceedings of 8th International Conference in Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology (ACM ACE). Lisbon. - Correia, N.N. (2011). AVOL – AudioVisual OnLine: Playing with Interactive Sound Visualization. In Proceedings of IADIS Game and Entertainment Technologies Conference 2011. Rome, pp. 83-91. (open access) - Correia, N.N. (2011). Master And Margarita – an Audiovisual Adaptation of Bulgakovʼs Novel for the Web and Performance. In Proceedings of Academic MindTrek 2011. Tampere. - Correia, N.N. (2010). AV Clash – Online Tool for Mixing and Visualizing Audio Retrieved from Database. In Proceedings of Sound and Music Computing Conference 2010. Barcelona, pp. 220-226. (open access) - Correia, N.N. (2010). Heat Seeker – An Interactive Audio-Visual Project for Performance, Video and Web. In Proceedings of IADIS Visual Communication Conference 2010. Freiburg, pp. 243-251. (open access) - Correia, N.N. & Prata, A. (2003). Multimedia application with interactive and generative digital animation for performance arts. In 4th EURASIP Conference focused on Video/Image Processing and Multimedia Communications, 2003. Zagreb, pp. 771–776 vol.2 - Prata, A. & Correia, N. N. (2003). How to produce small-sized CD-ROM multimedia applications-simple guidelines. In 4th EURASIP Conference focused on Video/Image Processing and Multimedia Communications, 2003. Zagreb, pp. 753–758 vol.2.
Other publications:
- Correia, N.N. (2011). AVOL – Towards an Integrated Audiovisual Expression. In Proceedings of ISEA 2011. Istanbul. (open access)
- Correia, N.N. (2010). Master and Margarita – an Interactive Audiovisual Adaptation of Bulgakovʼs Novel. In Catalog of Future Places Festival 2010. Porto, pp. 67–92. (open access) - Correia, N.N. & Godinho, M.M. (2005). Multimédia em Portugal: Dinâmicas de Inovação. Comunicações, 19(158), pp.48-50. (open access) - Correia, N.N. (2004). Multimedia Application with Interactive Digital Animation for Music Performances. In Proceedings of 4th MusicNetwork Workshop. Barcelona. (open access) - Correia, N.N. & Godinho, M.M. (2004). Innovative Entertainment Services in the Portuguese Mobile Communications Sector – the Examples of MobiComp and YDreams. In Proceedings of the Mobile Entertainment: User-Centred Perspectives Conference. Manchester, pp. 19-31. (open access)