
Contact: mail [at] nunocorreia [dot] com

Nuno N. Correia is a researcher and audiovisual artist based in Tallinn, Estonia. He is interested in digital performances and multisensory user experience. Since 2000, he has been teaching and conducting research in media art and interaction design, in several universities internationally (such as Aalto U., Goldsmiths U. London, U. Madeira, U. Greenwich, Tallinn U.). He is currently Associate Professor in Digital Transformation at Tallinn University. He was Principal Investigator (PI) of the Creative Europe EU project Moving Digits, on dance, technology and visualization. He is currently PI of the Creative Europe EU project MODINA on dance, Artificial Intelligence and Audience Interaction. He received a Marie Curie EU individual fellowship hosted at Goldsmiths, University of London, leading the project Enabling Audiovisual User Interfaces. Nuno holds a PhD in New Media from Aalto University (Finland), with the thesis Interactive Audiovisual Objects. Previously, he has worked at the design consultancy Fjord (now Accenture Song), including work for Nokia, Microsoft and HP.

Nuno’s work has been presented in more than 20 countries, in such festivals and venues as ACM Multimedia – Interactive Arts (Scottsdale), Electro-Mechanica (St. Petersburg), FILE (São Paulo), ISEA (Istanbul), Le Cube (Paris), Mapping (Geneva), NAME (Lille), Optronica / British Film Institute (London), PixelAche / Kiasma (Helsinki) and SXSW (Austin). He has organized multiple audiovisual performances and media arts exhibitions. His projects have been featured in CreativeApplications.Net, Create Digital Motion, The Creators Project, Leonardo Reviews and Digicult, among other specialised media. Nuno’s articles have been published at HCI conferences such as CHI, DIS and TEI; in sound and music computing conferences such NIME (New Interfaces for Musical Expression), SMC (Sound and Music Computing) and Audio Mostly; as well as media arts venues such as ISEA, International Journal of Art and Technology, Leonardo Electronic Almanac and ARTECH conference. He is part of the editorial board of the Baltic Screen Media Review journal, and has been guest editor of two special issues of the Creative Technologies journal. He was chair of the SIIDS conference (Sound, Image and Interaction Design Symposium), 2018-20.

Areas of expertise

interaction design, multisensory user experience, audiovisual composition, sound and music computing, mobile and ubiquitous media

Academic Professional Experience

  • 2021-… : Tallinn University (Estonia)
    Associate Professor in Digital Transformation
  • 2018-21 : University of Greenwich (UK)
    Senior Lecturer in Digital Media
  • 2016-18: University of Madeira, Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute (Portugal)
    Assistant Professor
  • 2014-16: Goldsmiths, University of London (UK)
    Marie Curie Research Fellow; Guest lecturer – MA Computational Arts
  • 2011-14: Aalto University, Media Lab Helsinki  (Finland)
    Lecturer – MA New Media Production
  • 2007-11: Aalto University, Media Lab Helsinki  (Finland)
    Doctoral student (FCT Portugal fellowship); Guest lecturer MA New Media Production
  • 2000-06: ISTEC (Portugal)
    Lecturer – BSc Multimedia Engineering

(for full Teaching CV, see:

Visting Lecturer

  • 2014-…: Aalto University (Finland)
  • 2009-2021: Tallinn University (Estonia)
  • 2017: Hochschule Rhein-Waal (Germany) 
  • 2013: Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre (Estonia)
  • 2007: Estonian Academy of Arts (Estonia)
  • 2005-06: Instituto Piaget (Portugal)
  • 2006-06: ISEC – Instituto Superior de Ensino e Ciências (Portugal)
  • 2003-06: ESTAL – Escola Superior de Tecnologias e Artes de Lisboa (Portugal)

Other Professional Experience

  • 2007: Fjord Helsinki (Finland)
    Senior Interaction Designer; Service Design Lead
  • 1995-2000: Caixa Geral de Depósitos (Portugal)
    Technical Assistant, International Division

Consulting Experience

  • 2013: AppCampus – Nokia/Microsoft (Finland)
    Freelance Consultant, coaching in mobile design to Windows Phone developers
  • 2005: Portuguese Institute of Industrial Property INPI (Portugal)
    Developed research on use of intellectual property in the plastic and moulds industry in Portugal, with MSc thesis supervisor Prof. Manuel Mira Godinho, resulting in a book report.


  • 2006-13: PhD, Aalto University (Finland)
    New Media Art and Design, thesis: Interactive Audiovisual Objects, supervisors Prof. Tapio Takala, Prof. Sergi Jordà
  • 2001-04: MSc, University of Lisbon, ISEG (Portugal)
    Innovation Management, thesis: Multimedia in Portugal – Innovation Dynamics, supervisor Prof. Manuel Mira Godinho
  • 1990-94: BSc, University of Minho (Portugal)
    International Relations (Economy and Management specialization)

Pedagogical Qualifications

  • 2005: Pedagogical certificate by the Portuguese Institute of Employment and Professional Education.

Prizes / Awards Received

  • 2022: Best paper award at ACM DIS and Best paper in exact sciences of Tallinn University for the paper: “Correia, N. N., Masu, R., Primett, W., Jürgens, S., Feitsch, J., and Plácido da Silva, H., 2022. Designing Interactive Visuals for Dance from Body Maps: Machine Learning and Composite Animation Approaches. Designing Interactive Systems Conference, New York, NY, USA, Association for Computing Machinery, 204–216″
  • 2011: Association for the Promotion of Multimedia and Digital Society in Portugal (Portugal): Finalist of National Multimedia Award, Art and Culture section, with AV Clash project;
  • 2009: Future Places festival (Portugal): Honorable Mention Award for Master and Margarita project;
  • 2008: Ministry of Culture, Arts Institute (Portugal): Winner of Net.Art competition, AVOL project (one of four winning projects, financed by the Arts Institute, and hosted at their website).