The third Moving Digits workshop took place 22-26 October 2019 in Düsseldorf, hosted by Hochschule Düsseldorf and tanzhaus nrw. In this workshop, the concepts developed by four artists during the Moving Digits artistic residency in August 2019 (at Sõltmatu Tantsu Lava, Tallinn) were further refined, and presented to an audience. There was also a visit to the MIREVI group of Hochschule Düsseldorf, and a presentation by STARTS resident artist at Moving Digits, Choy Ka Fai.
The four projects developed in the residency were re-interpreted to include the larger group of Moving Digits artists who had participated in workshops 1 and 2 – a total of 12 Moving Digits artists took part.
On the 26th October, there was a showing of the four projects at the Small Stage of tanzhaus nrw (one of the main contemporary dance institutions in Germany). We conducted an audience study, composed of questionnaires to audience members and interviews to 4 volunteers.